Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fun Day 5/25

Hi! Marie-Grace and Mckenna here! Have you ever had those school writing projects that you just don't want to do? Well We just had one of those. In our English/writing we are studying poems. Now don't get us wrong, some poems are cool. But we ain't a big fan of them. So writing one could be interesting. The first one we wrote was a apostrophe. Click on the word if you don't know what that is. :) OK, So here it is.

~Apostrophe to the Doll~
How often have you heard my cry?
Oh Sweet little dolly of mine.
And listen quietly to each sigh,
Then your smile will began to shine.
I look up at your smiling face,
Your dark blue eyes are shining bright.
I now know I can win Life's race
For you will keep my burdens light.

Well what do you think? Next week we will have a post on the carnival that is going on today!!!!!! :)
~Marie-Grace & Mckenna~