Back at the boat the dolls are franticly trying to get the boat to the shore.
“I wish we had some ores.” said Josie
“I do to.” said Elizabeth
"I know this is a bad time to bring this up" said Christina "but I have been a brat today and I want to say I am sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" she ask. Suddenly at that moment the canoe struck something hard. It made the dolls lurch forward and Chrissa and Savannah started screaming as the canoe spun around in a circle and a giant wave crashed over the edge. Savannah was crying and Kaya was trying to com her down just as the canoe hit another rock. Savannah was flung backwards and went flying over the edge of the canoe into the water.
"Somebody do something!" cried Kaya. Suddenly Christina flung herself over the edge of the canoe into the water and swam over to the spot where Savannah had gone under. The others watched as Christina dove under the water. She swam down looking for Savannah. She surfeits and then dove back under, when she came back up she Kaya crying and Rebecca trying to comfort her. Christina was getting tired when suddenly she saw a head come up out of the water. She quickly swam over to it, battling waves as she went, wrapped her arm around Savannah's neck and swam back toward the canoe. Julie saw them coming and when they got close she reached down and lifted Savannah out of the water. At that moment a big wave came and caught Christina and flung her under the water. She tried to swim but she was to tired. She gasp for air but all she got was a mouth full of water. She saw nothing but water. All of a sudden everything when dark.
The next thing Christina knew she was laying on a sandy beach and the early morning sun was shining down on her. She blinked and set up slowly. She reached up and felt her head. A big cloth was wrapped around it and when she touched her head it hurt. "Christina!" Gasp Beth running over and throwing her arms around her. "Your awake!" Christina looked bewildered and ask
"Why are you so happy I am awake?"
"I thought you would never wake up!" Beth exclaimed
"You where knocked out" Julie explained
"I was?" ask Christina
"yes you where" said Elizabeth
"How did I get knocked out" ask Christina.
"Well after you saved Savannah a big wave came and pulled you under." said Julie "An you didn't come up for a long time. Well we where all hovering over Savannah when all of a sudden Rebecca ask 'where's Christina?'"
"We all gasp and ran to the side of the canoe" added Rebecca. “Suddenly we saw you come up out of the water and it didn't look like you where breathing. Well Beth dove into the water and pulled you to the canoe. We had just pulled both of you guys when another big wave pushed the canoe to land. Several of us where thrown out of the canoe." Rebecca paused and Kaya spoke up.
"So there we where stranded on a strange shore with no sense of direction. Josie to charge. She told Elizabeth and Julie to go get some firewood and then she told me and Rebecca to go get wood to make a shelter. Beth and Josie went to take care of you." Kaya paused and Elizabeth offered Christina a bowl of stew which she gladly excepted. Josie continued the story.
"when I reached you I reposed that you had a bad bump on your head. Beth took off her skirt and I wrapped it around your head. The rain had stopped and the wind had slowed down so we built a fire and all set around it talking. We had moved u closer." she added.
"I guess you guys do like me." Christina said "I'm glad we're all still friends."
"That's it!" cried Julie "F.R.I.E.N.D.S.! it's a acronym. Friends Rest In Each-other, Never Dies, Sticks-together. We could be a group of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.!"
"Yeah!" cheered the other girls. Then Christina yawned
"I'm tired."
"Me too." Said Julie "I feel like stretching out on this warm sand and going to sleep." "That's what I am going to do." said Rebecca. So all the girls stretched out on the ground and went to sleep.
One more part to go! Find Out how the Dolls get found next week!!