Well Hello! It's Marie-Grace and Mckenna here with Fun Day! this week we have another poem written by Abbie!! Its called
"The Day I Met The Lord"
(Note: This is not a true happening)
The Day I Met The Lord
The day started cold and windy,
And snow was falling to the street.
When I heard the sound of tapping,
Like the plodding of tired feet.
I looked out from my door way,
And down the cold and snowy street.
In hopes to see a fellow man,
Or a kind, friendly face to meet.
Sure enough there was a figure,
Coming slowly past my door.
But he was feeble and limping,
Not someone I had seen before.
His hands had been hard and callused,
From the many years of life’s care.
His beard, Though long, rough and straggly,
Was as white as the snowy hare.
His clothes where shabby and tattered
And his head was bent way down low.
As he hurried on his dim way
To get out of the blowing snow.
I could not help in wondering
As the aged man went walking by.
How this old man could use the love,
Of the Lord Jesus Christ, Inside.
I called out to him, “Oh dear Sir!”
Would you care to come in with me,
Out of the cold and blowing snow,
And have a cup of nice hot tea?
Then his eyes began to sparkle
And they were crinkled at the side
Then I beckoned, come, with my hand
And his smile spread out wide.
I went to help him up the walk,
As he came up to my front gate,
And up the long and many steps
That led up to my front doorplate.
I pulled up an arm chair for him
Very close to the fireplace
Then went to get him a cup for tea,
From my old-fashioned china case.
First I brought the hot and sweet tea,
And some mint cookies on a plate.
Then I pulled a chair up real close
And we talked of a long gone date.
We talked of all our youthful days,
And things that we had done.
Then I spoke of my Jesus Christ,
And all for me, that He had won.
When I had finished telling him,
Of my saviors wonderful love
The tears were streaming down his face
Like flowing water from above.
Then he turned his eyes up to me
Tears streaming down, across his face,
And said “I have found someone else
With this strong love and saving grace.”
“For Forty-Seven years, today,
I have faithfully served my God
And he have never let me down,
But walked with me the path I’ve trod.”
“But yet some days just seem so hard!
But now that I am very sure
God always has provided thus,
And will ever keep my life pure.”
“May God bless you well, My Brother!”
He said as he went out the door.
“May God bless you also!” I said
When He had left to come back no more.
Oh! The day was cold and windy,
But not as sharp as in the past.
The snow was falling very soft,
Not like when it was hard and fast.
When an old man came to call,
With his crooked and callused hand.
I came face-to-face with the Lord,
On that fifteenth day in Jan.
~Abbie Wagner~
Well what do you think? Abbie considers this her best poem! :)
See you next week!
~Marie-Grace & Mckenna