Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Election Week 3/12

Hello everyone! Abbie here and You probably know that this week is Election Week! Today we are going to introduce you to the Second the girl running for President.
Mrs. Dorris Peters


We interviewed her with some questions and here is her answers.
Q. Who is all in you family?
A. There is me and my husband James. We have twin Girls Monica and Mellisa age 6.
Q. What is your family life like?
A. I would say it is quite normal. I am a librarian. So i get the girls ready for preschool and then go to work.
Q. Can you tell use about you childhood?
A. I grew up in a family of all boys. So I was naturally tough. I could do just about anything my brothers could do. I really enjoyed playing baseball.
Q. Do you have any experience that would prepare you for the role of President?
A. I think growing up with 5 brothers would have to be the best experience.
Q. How do feel about the wars?
Q. What are some improvements you would like to see in The AGS?
A. I realized that the rivers where starting collapse. Those should be fixed.
Q. How do you think these changes should be accomplished?
A. With the extra tax dollars.
Thank you Dorris, We hope you have enjoyed this post. Check back tomorrow to find out more about the next candidate. Do you have a question for Dorris? Ask below.
See you later!