Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Farming Report 8/14

Hello and welcome! this week we are going to show you how we Sort tomatoes!

Here is a stack of boxes that we put the sorted tomatoes in.
The boxes are put above the sorter to use.
There are for spots to put the tomatoes.
The red box (For #1 red tomatoes only!)
The #1 green box. (For not quite ready tomatoes)
The 2nd box (The tomatoes that don't met the quality standard)
The dump box. (For bad tomatoes)
When the box is full it is stacked on pallets.
Hope you enjoyed! :)

1 comment:

  1. cool! we sort tomatoes by getting boxes (like those), and sorting them by firsts, seconds, and thirds. Firsts are best and for selling, seconds are for selling, but not quite as expensive, and thirds are for the house.

    We sort them from buckets because we pick into buckets... ;(

    looks we have something in common *wink*

    ♥ Autumn
