Thursday, February 28, 2013

Photo Of The Week 2/28

Hello It's Felicity and Beth here and We bid you welcome. Check out this really cool Picture we got of Christina. We think She found Mckenna & Marie-Grace's pompom supply.

Oh Yeah Speaking of Christina! She got glasses! She also has contacts so don't be surprised if you don't see her with her glasses. Here is a picture of her with them on.
Tell us what you think below. Oh we have to warn you!

Just Saying. See you next week!
~Felicity & Beth~


  1. Um... don'y you mean March 1st to 3rd??? February ends today;)

    1. Hehehe!!!!!!:) No it written correctly. :)To bad its not April! :) lol

    2. DO you live in the US????? Because today IS the first day of MARCH!!!!!!!!!

    3. Am I getting this right?? Oh just forget about it:)

    4. :) Yes I live in the US. :) Its Spose to be a Joke. And you are right there is no 29-31 of Febuary. :) I saw something like this on Moms FaceBook, and thought I should do something like that. :) lol I hope you liked it. :)

    5. Haha, sorry 'bout that, I thought I had lost my mind or something!!;)
